Posts in Wedding Video
Save The Date: Diana and Andrew

Diana and Andrew have been together for such a long time that imagining them apart is not even possible. When we first met them, we knew how much they love and adore each other. The way Andrew talks about Diana and the way Diana looks at Andrew will tell you beyond words how they complete each other.

It has been awhile since we did their engagement session. On that day, we were surprised that Pasadena City Hall (which is a popular location for engagement shoot) was closed for a private function. The disappointment was redeemed when we went to our Plan B, Downtown Los Angeles where we achieved the images we were aiming for.  Although we were pressed with time, working together with Andrew and Diana was seamless. They allowed us to execute the extent of creativity we want to execute. As we did their engagement photo shoot, we also shot their save-the-date video. They have actually hired their wedding videographer but during that time, we were trying to establish our video portfolio. This is one of the last videoshoot from 2016 we are going to share. The next videos you will see are wedding highlights where we were able to fully maximize our video equipment. :) We hope you enjoy this video as much as we enjoyed shooting it.

Wedding Highlight: Kassy and Manuel

When Kassy and Manuel told us that they are going to have a backyard type of wedding, our hearts were jumping with joy. You see, backyard wedding for us means more personal, more intimate; our kind of wedding actually. You can tell that this couple, their families and friends put a lot of thought and effort together in making sure that everything on this glorious day is nothing short of perfection. And they did. Everyone was impressed and sure did had a lot of fun. The live entertainment performers and open bar certainly helped too. :)

When we went to Manuel's hotel to take his getting ready pictures, we thought how lucky Kassy is for having Manuel. Manuel is fun yet sensitive. His good looks is also a bonus. However when we saw Kassy fully made up and putting on her wedding dress, we realize that Manuel is even luckier to have Kassy in his life. Kassy is not only beautiful, she is also smart and a very level-headed person. She may be stubborn at times but she is reasonably stubborn (at least from what we heard LOL). When we did their first look, we thought Kassy was an angel descending from heaven. That is how gorgeous she was on this special day. 

We have posted teaser photos of their wedding day but we are yet to blog the full wedding pictures pending their final selection. We were also happy to see one of their engagement photos serving as the "welcome photo". For now, we are excited to share this wedding day highlight. :)



Wedding Highlight: Freddy & Donna

The way Freddy looked at Donna and the way Donna talk about Freddy, it is like reading a Nicholas Spark's novel. Time has tested the determination of these two beautiful soul. And on April 9, 2016, the deal was signed with a kiss... and an ever lasting love. 

This day started with a gloomy weather. The sun decided to peek but just for a moment. Minutes after we did the first-look, rain started pouring. But who cares? Nothing can dampen the spirit of this lovely couple. We have gorgeous floral arrangement, a wedding dress to die for, flawless hair/make up and a sleek set of groom's suit. A great bonus to have is a reliable set of bridesmaids who were really helpful (and trooper!) and totally hilarious groomsmen.  From outdoor set-up, we had to move their ceremony location exactly where the reception is held. The toast speech were touching yet hilarious. The sweets bar is mouth-watering and the food provided by Plaza de Magdalena was incredibly delicious (we are still drooling over their steak and salmon! LOL).

Indeed, there is no such thing as a perfect wedding. But aside from the minor weather issue, this wedding is the wedding we can really say that is closest to perfection. Enjoy Donna and Freddy's wedding day highlight!

For smoother playing, hit "play" and then "pause"; wait for the load bar to complete and play the video again. Don't forget to click on the "HD" button (from 720p to 4K if you havea 4k monitor/TV) for better viewing pleasure.

La Mirada Wedding: Daniel + Vanessa 07. 03. 16

What is your definition of a "great wedding?" By wearing a designer wedding dress? Or spending a fortune on the most romantic reception venue? For the past two years, we have been blessed with wonderful clients who brought us to the finest wedding venues and fed us with delish food and mouth-watering cakes. However, Daniel and Vanessa's wedding is just one for the books. They did not have a formal wedding reception. No father-daughter dance, no garter toss and those wedding traditions you would usually witness in a wedding.  Yet, the church was filled with hundreds of people. Everyone wanted to witness the most important event of Daniel and Vanessa's lives. On this wedding, we heard more laughter. We saw more sincere hugs and kisses. Everyone enjoyed the Cuban pastries and the sumptuous cake that was served. Now this is our definition of a "great wedding."

Vanessa is a wedding photographer herself. In fact, she is the third photographer of Russ and Thet Studio. She knows the best time of the day to capture wedding photos (and videos!). That is why we are so excited to share their wedding trailer. We hope you enjoy this video presentation from Russ and Thet Studio!

Save The Date Video: Mary and Rory
When they got engaged, their friends and family members got nothing to say but, "FINALLY!" This was a wedding 10 years in the making. No time and distance broke Mary and Rory apart. October 28, 2016 is indeed the beginning of their happily-ever-after!

For Russ and Thet Studio, this is the beginning of our wedding videography service. :)  We learned a lot as we shot Mary and Rory's engagement session in photo and video format. Considering this Save-The-Date video was shot with only one camera man (or woman!) and no second camera equipment, we think Russ and Thet Studio did a decent job here. Editing wise, we still have a lot to learn. That being said, we are offering our video service at a very affordable rate. Contact us so we can discuss your options and we'll make your time worthwhile.

This video was uploaded in 4K resolution for optimal viewing pleasure so if you have an oh-so-awesome internet connection speed, choose 4k! Trust us, the experience is way different. But if you are having a hard time playing the video smoothly due to connection speed, just click "HD" on the bottom right corner and click either 1080P or 720p. It will still be high-definition! :)